Title: Managing Director, Innovation Portfolio Partners
Date: October 22, 2015
Karl Ronn is Managing Director of Innovation Portfolio Partners, a Silicon Valley based firm that helps CEOs and the Top Management of Fortune 500 companies find and develop new to the world products and services. He also co-founded VC-backed Butterfly Health that introduced Butterfly body liners nationally in September and is developing a software company building diagnostic competency for physicians using virtual human simulations of top medical school cases.
Prior to starting his own innovation firm, Karl was Vice President of Research & Development and General Manager of New Business for The Procter & Gamble Company. Swiffer, Febreze and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser are billion dollar businesses he helped to create and grow.
He is on the advisory boards of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Toledo, and Enviroscent. He is a member of TED conference and has been a speaker at the Mayo Clinic, Consumer Medical Conference, AMA and other innovation forums. His market creation book, The Reciprocity Advantage, was published in September 2014.